When the Battle's Over
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And when the battle's over
We shall wear a crown!
We shall wear a crown!
We shall wear a crown!
And when the battle's over
We shall wear a crown
In the new Jerusalem.
In the new Jerusalem.
Wear a crown, wear a crown,
Wear a bright and shining crown;
And when the battle's over
We shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem.

And when the battle's over
We shall wear a crown!
We shall wear a crown!
We shall wear a crown!

And when the battle's over
We shall wear a crown
In the new Jerusalem.
In the new Jerusalem.

Wear a crown, wear a crown,
Wear a bright and shining crown;
And when the battle's over
We shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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   Isaac Watts