Let The River Flow
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Let the lost man say,
I am found in Him.
Let the poor man say,
I am rich in Him.
Oh, let the river flow.
Let the blind man say,
I can see again.
Let the dead man say,
I am born again.
Oh, let the river flow.
Let the river flow,
Let the river flow.
Holy Spirit come,
Move in power.
Let the river flow,
Let the river flow.

Let the lost man say,
I am found in Him.
Let the poor man say,
I am rich in Him.
Oh, let the river flow.

Let the blind man say,
I can see again.
Let the dead man say,
I am born again.
Oh, let the river flow.

Let the river flow,
Let the river flow.
Holy Spirit come,
Move in power.
Let the river flow,
Let the river flow.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.
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