Psalm 96
Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise
OLD 113th 8.8.6.D.
Let all the earth their voices raise,
To sing the great Jehovah's praise,
And bless His holy name:
His glory let the people know,
His wonders to the nations show,
His saving grace proclaim.
He framed the globe; He built the sky;
He made the shining worlds on high,
And reigns in glory there:
His beams are majesty and light;
His beauties, how divinely bright!
His dwelling place, how fair!
Come, the great day, the glorious hour,
When earth shall feel His saving power,
All nations fear His name;
Then shall the race of men confess
The beauty of His holiness,
His saving grace proclaim.

Let all the earth their voices raise,
To sing the great Jehovah's praise,
And bless His holy name:
His glory let the people know,
His wonders to the nations show,
His saving grace proclaim.

He framed the globe; He built the sky;
He made the shining worlds on high,
And reigns in glory there:
His beams are majesty and light;
His beauties, how divinely bright!
His dwelling place, how fair!

Come, the great day, the glorious hour,
When earth shall feel His saving power,
All nations fear His name;
Then shall the race of men confess
The beauty of His holiness,
His saving grace proclaim.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Isaac Watts (1674-1748) Arrangement copyright © 1964 by Abington Press. Used by permission Attr. to Matthaus Greiter (c. 1500-1552)   
Arr. by V. Earle Copes (1921 -  )