O Gladsome Light
O gladsome light, O grace
Of God the Father's face,
The eternal splendor wearing;
Celestial, holy, blest,
Our Savior, Jesus Christ,
Joyful in Thine appearing.
Now e'er day fadeth quite,
We see the ev'ning light,
Our wonted hymn outpouring;
Father of might unknown,
Thee His incarnate Son,
And Holy Spirit adoring.
To Thee of right belongs
All praise of holy songs,
O Son of God, life giver;
Thee therefore, O most high,
The world doth glorify
And shall exalt for ever.

O gladsome light, O grace
Of God the Father's face,
The eternal splendor wearing;
Celestial, holy, blest,
Our Savior, Jesus Christ,
Joyful in Thine appearing.

Now e'er day fadeth quite,
We see the ev'ning light,
Our wonted hymn outpouring;
Father of might unknown,
Thee His incarnate Son,
And Holy Spirit adoring.

To Thee of right belongs
All praise of holy songs,
O Son of God, life giver;
Thee therefore, O most high,
The world doth glorify
And shall exalt for ever.

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   Anon. Greek 3rd century
   Tr. by Robert S. Bridges (1844-1930)
Music copyright © 1984 by James Bingham. James Bingham, 1984 (1945 -  )