John 13:14
Love Consecrates the Humblest Act
Love consecrates the humblest act
And haloes mercy's deeds;
It sheds a benediction sweet
And hallows human needs.
When in the shadow of the cross
Christ knelt and washed the feet
Of His disciples, He gave us
A sign of love complete.
Love serves and willing, stoops to serve;
What Christ in love so true
Has freely done for one and all,
Let us now gladly do!

Love consecrates the humblest act
And haloes mercy's deeds;
It sheds a benediction sweet
And hallows human needs.

When in the shadow of the cross
Christ knelt and washed the feet
Of His disciples, He gave us
A sign of love complete.

Love serves and willing, stoops to serve;
What Christ in love so true
Has freely done for one and all,
Let us now gladly do!

All lyrics, arrangements, music are the copyright of their respective owners and are provided here only to praise God and for educational purposes.

3 stanzas with no Refrain
Copyright permission not yet secured.

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   S. B. McManus, c. 1902 (1845-1917) alt. Setting copyright 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship
Used by permission of Augsburg Publishing House
Alternate setting, No. 681
Attr. to Lucius Chapin (1760-1842)