Baptize Us Anew
Bicol 156,  Ilocano 95,  Tagalog 95
Baptize us anew With power from on high,
With love, O refresh us! Dear Savior, draw nigh.
We humbly beseech Thee, Lord Jesus, we pray,
With love and the Spirit baptize us today.
We praise Thee, we bless Thee, dear Lamb that was slain We laud and adore Thee, Amen and Amen.
Unworthy we cry, Unholy, unclean,
O wash us and cleanse us From sin's guilty stain.
O heavenly Dove, Descend from on high!
We plead Thy rich blessing; In mercy draw nigh.
O list the glad voice! From heaven it came:
Thou art My beloved, Well pleased I am.

Baptize us anew With power from on high,
With love, O refresh us! Dear Savior, draw nigh.

We humbly beseech Thee, Lord Jesus, we pray,
With love and the Spirit baptize us today.
We praise Thee, we bless Thee, dear Lamb that was slain
We laud and adore Thee, Amen and Amen.

Unworthy we cry, Unholy, unclean,
O wash us and cleanse us From sin's guilty stain.

O heavenly Dove, Descend from on high!
We plead Thy rich blessing; In mercy draw nigh.

O list the glad voice! From heaven it came:
Thou art My beloved, Well pleased I am.

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   W. A. Ogden (1841-1897) W. A Ogden